Pesach cleaning service Directory

From kitchen kashering services to come-to-you car cleaning crews, you'll find service providers for all your Passover cleaning needs. Contact info for each provider is listed beneath their ad.

Pristine Kosher on WhatsappBook on Our Website

PRISTINE KOSHER: The only CRC Certified Kashering Service!

Knowledgeable staff + professional, mess free service.
Servicing New York, New Jersey, Florida, Baltimore, Cleveland, Toronto, Chicago, Los Angeles.

Complete interior and exterior wash: - Carpets and seats steamed and shampooed. - Extra deep vacuum. - We will make sure that no areas or crevices were left out
Book on Whatsapp

Complete interior and exterior wash:
- Carpets and seats steamed and shampooed.
- Extra deep vacuum.
- We will make sure that no areas or crevices were left out.

Have your hat renewed in less than 18 minutes!‍

Have your hat renewed in less than 18 minutes!

- Same day service on all major alterations
- Open until 9:00 PM until Pesach