How It Works:
All family members compete in several one-minute challenges. In one minute, who can:
- Create the biggest plastic cup tower?
- Stack the most pennies?
- Shake all the ping pong balls out of the tissue box?
- Move all the M&Ms from one bowl to another using chopsticks?
- Keep three balloons in the air?
- Lace the most cheerios onto a pipe cleaner and tie it onto their wrist as a bracelet?
- Stack the most cookies onto your forehead?
- Recreate the front of a cut up cereal box?
- Roll an inflated balloon from Spot A to Spot B using only elbows?
- Find and remove one colored corn kernel in a container of corn kernels using chopsticks?
- Race from Point A to Point B balancing a pinecone on a spoon?
Ready, set, GO!
What You Need: